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Jetter Present New High
End Controller

Jetter expand their highest-level of the JetWeb controller series by the new JetControl 940MC. It has been mainly developed for applications comprising a great number of motion systems for quick cycles and high dynamics. These are, for example, path control and interpolation applications, as well as technological functions like screw-capping, electronic gearing, winding function, etc.
Compared to the already obtainable controllers of the JetControl series, the JetControl 940MC is expandable by even more peripheral and axis modules. The JetControl 940MC is programmed by means of the high-level language JetSym STX which is able to multitask. This is the main difference between the classical PLC controllers and the JetControl 940MC.
Further, various interfaces (Ethernet, CAN, serial, USB) are available. The standard Ethernet TCP/IP is applied as communication network. This way, IT services, such as HTTP, FTP, and e-mailing, which the users have always known from JetWeb, can be implied.