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"Rittal – the System" offers planning, equipment and service for data centres from one source
Data centres are complex projects. Secure, available and energy-efficient IT services are only possible with a seamless interaction of software, hardware and IT infrastructure. "Rittal – the System" is the new plat-form the data centre specialist is presenting in a bid to shorten the path to turnkey data centres greatly. Just like a set of building bricks, individually matched components can be fitted together and combined with consulting and services.

Planning, constructing or improving data centres calls for a lot of effort. Not only does the capacity of the servers and network technology have to be considered, but even those things that supposedly have nothing to do with IT, such as power supply, cooling, and physical security aspects all have to be taken into consideration. In addition, one has to consider what level of availability is necessary for the upkeep of business processes. And during the implementation phase, the companies involved need to be coordinated and their performances approved. "Rittal - The System" is the company's answer: a coordinated plat-form that reduces these interfaces and provides turnkey data centres worldwide, including one-stop service. To this end, Rittal integrated Lampertz, the specialists for secure data centre infrastructure and security solutions, and the planning experts from Litcos into the group in 2009.
"Rittal – The System" follows the principle of "Faster – better – worldwide". You are starting from scratch or just modernising an existing facility? The focus of the systems approach is on the demands your comany's business makes on the data centre. Starting from on the requirements of availability and safety, Rittal systematically analyses demands, and then plans and implements the entire data centre – beginning with the shelters, via IT infrastructure, through to monitoring and security solutions like RiZone, the IT infrastructure management software. Naturally enough, efficiency considerations are also not ignored.
When requested by the general contractor, Rittal can take over the entire project and equip the facility with fully in-tegrated components. These include robust and flexible racks, an efficient power distribution system and back-up, as well as energy saving climate control solutions. Within the system platform, the IT infrastructure is scalable throughout - from basic solutions to high-density compu-ting. Through its worldwide service system, Rittal is offering its platform to companies all over the world, and also helps with any questions that relate to safeguarding and securing smooth operation.
"Rittal – The System" follows the principle of "Faster – better – worldwide". You are starting from scratch or just modernising an existing facility? The focus of the systems approach is on the demands your comany's business makes on the data centre. Starting from on the requirements of availability and safety, Rittal systematically analyses demands, and then plans and implements the entire data centre – beginning with the shelters, via IT infrastructure, through to monitoring and security solutions like RiZone, the IT infrastructure management software. Naturally enough, efficiency considerations are also not ignored.
When requested by the general contractor, Rittal can take over the entire project and equip the facility with fully in-tegrated components. These include robust and flexible racks, an efficient power distribution system and back-up, as well as energy saving climate control solutions. Within the system platform, the IT infrastructure is scalable throughout - from basic solutions to high-density compu-ting. Through its worldwide service system, Rittal is offering its platform to companies all over the world, and also helps with any questions that relate to safeguarding and securing smooth operation.